Bushfire Rated Windows and Doors
Many homes in the Mundaring hills and surrounding areas are in bushfire-prone zones. By installing bushfire-rated doors and windows manufactured by AWS and available through Mundaring Glass, you greatly reduce the risk of injury and death while helping to protect your home in most fire situations.

Bushfire threat levels are denoted by the BAL (Bushfire Attack Level) system. The numbers relate to the maximum level of radiant heat. For instance, BAL-19 represents 19 kW per square metre. Mundaring Glass can assist you in assessing your home's BAL rating.
AWS bushfire-rated doors and windows are constructed to withstand levels of maximum radiant heat up to BAL-40. The products are constructed so that key parts of the doors and windows such as flexible seals can withstand high levels of heat and keep the unit intact. This prevents the glass from dropping which in turn prevents flames and embers from entering your home.
With our increasingly dryer winters and hotter, windier summers it's a good time to consider protecting your home and family from bushfire threat.
Call Mundaring Glass today for expert advice.